Datasets generated by the lab are publicly available on Array Express. Here you can find RNA-seq, ChIP-seq and microarray raw data, as well as experimental details for each dataset. The links below will take you straight into each study. To access the list of samples available in each study go to "Samples" and for experimental details go to "Protocols".
Downloading data:
You can download the files in fastq.gz format locally by clicking on the FASTQ link.
Alternatively you can click on the ENA link to download fastq files (or SRA) directly into galaxy or via ftp into your work cluster (recommended). More info on downloading data from the web into a cluster via ftp here.
As an example this would look like: wget*
Submitting your data:
Prior to publication, you are required to submit your NGS data to a public repository. Please bear in mind that this may take a few days/weeks, and should be done in well in advance to allow time to attend to any submission queries. To submit data on ArrayExpress, you will need to upload it via Annotare. You will be asked to supply some experimental information regarding the protocols used to obtain the samples in the datasets. You are required to upload your raw data (FASTQ files), but in addition you may also upload processed data (e.g. BAM). For more information on this process click here.
RNA-seq datasets
RNA-seq of definitive endoderm and pancreatic progenitor cells derived in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells in order to study the role of transcription factor GATA6 in human pancreas development
Regional differences in human biliary tissues and corresponding in vitro derived organoids
RNA-sequencing of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived intestinal epithelial organoids
RNA-seq of hepatocytes obtained through step-wise differentiation of hIPSCs from a patient with A1AT deficiency and its point mutation-corrected isogenic hIPSC line. Comparison to primary hepatocytes from a healthy donor and an A1AT-deficient patient
RNA-sequencing of coding RNA from human purified intestinal epithelial samples and organoids derived from foetal and paediatric small and large intestine
RNA-seq of WTAP knockdown human pluripotent stem cells during the exit from pluripotency induced by Activin/Nodal inhibition
TEAD and YAP regulate the enhancer network of human embryonic pancreatic progenitors
ChIP-seq datasets
ChIP-seq of definitive endoderm cells derived in vitro from human embryonic stem cells in order to study the role of transcription factor GATA6 in human pancreas development
Cyclin D1 ChIP-seq in H9 undifferentiated human pluripotent stem cells
Activin/Nodal signalling controls divergent transcriptional networks in pluripotent and endoderm progenitors
Additional datasets
Methylation Arrays
DNA-methylation profiling of human induced pluripotent stem cell -derived intestinal epithelial organoids
DNA methylation array of human purified intestinal epithelial samples and organoids from paediatric and foetal small and large intestine
Activin/Nodal-dependent N6-methyladenosine (m6A) deposition in human pluripotent stem cells